1. Login and click on Customer Management on the menu. 2. click on CUSTOMER LEVELS
The next page will appear:
Default level is CUSTOMER
We advice that u stick to 2 or 3 levels maximum
You can then fill this form very carefully
FILL IN THIS FORMAT... accurately. note that u can put any name of your choice
The above images means that this shop has two user levels now.
When new users register on this shop, they will be on CUSTOMER LEVEL.
To upgrade to VIP level, they must have at least 200 naira. Your portal will debit them 200naira then the referrer will get 100naira bonus.
The shops are designed to give out 50% of the upgrade fee to the referrer. If u give ppl your ref code then the bonus will go to your wallet on your shop.
You can now enter prices in the variation as shown above. This is only possible after creating user levels on your VTU Shop.
It is advised that you stick to two user levels; editing prices when service providers change their prices can be stressful if you have many user levels.