You can only be permitted to create a VTU Shop on after you have upgraded to Merchant Level. Firstly… Fund your wallet with minimum of #15,000 Now, go to Upgrade Page on the Menu then upgrade your account to MERCHANT LEVEL. The portal will debit you #15,000. Note that this is standard annual membership/renewal fee for VTU Shop owners. Refresh your dashboard then CREATE SHOP will appear on your Menu. Click CREATE SHOP then fill the forms very carefully. Provide your shop particulars. Your shop slug, serving as the subdomain for your shop, should be included. Note that spaces and special characters will be excluded. For instance, your shop could be accessed via{shop_slug}Fill in your Shop Admin details. If the name of your shop is JOHNVENTURES then put *johnventures* as your slug. Your vtu shop link will look like this: Then ‘Submit’ your information. Then inform the support department or business manager. Following these steps, an administrator will review your shop request, and you will subsequently receive an email notification after the review.